Bull Runner's Blog

Eating Well in Pamplona During the Running of the Bulls

One of the most common question that people from US ask me when I meet them is, “What do you miss most from Spain?” My answer, after family and friends, is easy, THE SPANISH FOOD! Spaniards love good food. We expect to have a variety of fresh and quality food. Since very young age we see how important food is in our lives. In Spain we like long meals followed by a long conversation in good company. The perfect meal includes many types of food and, of course, the finishing touch at the end, good wine. Where do I begin with everything Pamplona has to offer? With the world class food, the year-round cultural events, for example, seafood art, during…

To Run or to Watch? Running with the Bulls

Personally … I will always recommend that you watch! I have attended the San Fermin festival for 28 years and have not yet run. I don’t miss out on the fun by not running, that I would not enjoy it or that I’m a coward. Running with the Bulls is an dangerous adventure, and you should be excited but understand that you will be running with 6 large animals very nearby. If you are not 100% sure what you do … do not run! If you have doubts, I advise that first you watch the run from a balcony, the Plaza de Toros or from the sidelines, and then decide if you want to run the next day. The three ways to…

Running of the Bulls® 2025 Dates

We have Pamplona balconies available (the only way to get a view of the bull run), along with Pamplona bullfight tickets, and fantastic city-center deals on hotels in Pamplona, Spain. The Running of the Bulls 2025 will be the biggest fiesta yet. Since the event gets 1 million visitors a year, the pent up demand from two years will be over-the-top. Check out our Running of the Bulls 2025 Packages, which are already selling fast. We recommend booking ASAP to reserve your Running of the Bulls balcony, hotel room, and San Fermin festival tickets, before inventory runs out. The Running of the Bulls 2025 dates are July 7 – 14, 2025 in Pamplona, Spain. The San Fermin Festival dates are…

Experience the Thrill of San Fermin’s Running of the Bulls from Your Own Balcony Rental in Pamplona

By Adrian Garcia, Special Travel Contributor Every July 6th to 14th, Pamplona, Spain undergoes a stunning metamorphosis, welcoming over a million visitors from across the globe to partake in the Festival de San Fermin. Central to this festivity is the heart-pounding Encierro, or the running of the bulls, a tradition steeped in centuries of history. For some, the allure of running alongside these mighty beasts on the narrow streets is irresistible. But for others seeking a safer yet equally exhilarating experience, there's a perfect alternative: balcony rentals in Pamplona. Watching from the comfort of a balcony nestled within the historic buildings that line the iconic Pamplona bull run route is an experience that belongs on every adventurer's bucket list. These…

Medical Treatment at the Running of the Bulls

Spain’s San Fermin Festival is a centuries-old tradition that has transformed the sleepy village of Pamplona into a world-famous destination each July. People come from far and wide to witness the sometimes bloody spectacle of the daily encierros, or Running of the Bulls. Running of the Bulls injuries While bull run fatalities are somewhat rare, injuries are common. Every year during the 9-day festivities, between 50 and 100 people are hurt in the run. Authorities in Navarra have kept logs of every major Running of the Bulls injury since 1980, and data shows that the risk of being harmed has gradually increased over the years. Most injuries are attributed to falls and tramplings, though gorings are another life-threatening peril that runners face. In the…

Interview With Iñaki Gonzalez, Experienced Bull Runner

Iñaki Gonzalez began attending the running of the bulls 27 years ago. In this interview he shares his significant experience for those that are interested in participating by running or by watching this dangerous and traditional event that takes place every year in Pamplona from July 7 to July 14. Since you are an experienced runner, we would like to hear more about your background so our customers will learn about the run and how the locals experience the running of the bulls. Could you explain us when and why did you decided to run the bulls? Although I began running when I was 18, I had wanted to run since my mother took me to watch the run when…

While you’re in Europe…

Now that global travel is starting to open up again, we're all setting our sites on getting back out there in 2022 and beyond. As you start to plan your trip to the Running of the Bulls in Pamplona, one thing to consider is how to make the most of your time while you're in Europe. Most of our guests come to Pamplona for three or four nights, then take advantage of Pamplona's close proximity to the rest of Spain, Portugal and France. European River Cruise in France Many of our guests go on to join ocean cruises originating in Bilbao or Barcelona, while others take the train to Paris, Nice, or Monaco. One of our guest favorites is to…

Carnival del Toro

The Hillmann Column By Bill Hillmann I am working on a book called The Pueblos about my adventures attempting to run one hundred and one bull runs in the summer of 2016. Yet, there has always been one Pueblo which all my Spanish Mozo (bull-runner) friends have encouraged me to visit and I had yet to run. It is Carnival del Toro in Ciudad Rodrigo which follows the same dates as Mardi Gras and ends with Ash Wednesday. Luckily, I live in Louisiana and get the Mardi Gras dates off so I was able to finally make it to Carnival del Toro last week. Ciudad Rodrigo sits on a big hill, a beautiful 12th-century city wall encircles the many gorgeous…

Perspective on The Running of the Bulls

The Hillmann Column By Bill Hillmann This is my inaugural column for RunningoftheBulls.com. This column will be the most in-depth look into the culture of bull running in Spain in the English language. It will appear here monthly throughout the year and daily during the fiesta of San Fermin in Pamplona. Over the past 15 years, I’ve run with the bulls over 300 times all across Spain. I’ve written two books on the culture, Mozos and the forthcoming The Pueblos and I’ve been a subject of a few documentaries both in Spain and the USA,  my journalism and commentary on the culture has appeared in the biggest outlets on the planet. All that said, my greatest asset is that I am a student of…

How to watch the Running of the Bulls Video Stream

If you are wondering how to watch the running of the bulls and you are unable to attend the Pamplona Bull Run in person it is still possible to see the experience online. Tune in to online streams of the Bull Run to catch all of the unbelievable action of the 2019 San Fermin Festival, or watch live below: La banda de música La Pamplonesa lanzará el chupinazo de los Sanfermines Source: RTVE.es Video of Daily 2019 Pamplona Bull Runs
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