Bull Runner's Blog

July 7, 2019 Running of the Bulls Bull Run Stream

View the most recent bull run stream from July 7 2019 during the 2019 San Fermin Festival below - Please be patient after you click Play: Video buffering can take 30 seconds or more. Primer encierro de San Fermín 2019: rápido y accidentado Source: RTVE.es Did you miss your chance to run in or watch the bull run this year? Its never too early to plan your trip to the San Fermin Festival. Don't forget to get your Pamplona balcony reservation or bullfight tickets for the 2020 Running of the Bulls Get a quote for your trip to the San Fermin Festival! Want to see more Bull Runs? Check out every day's runs from the 2019 Pamplona Bull Run. Sunday,…

July 6, 2019 Running of the Bulls Bull Run Stream

Check out the latest bull run stream from July 6 2019 during the 2019 San Fermin Festival below - Please be patient after you click Play - video buffering can take 30 seconds or more. Primer encierro de San Fermín 2018: rápido y con dos toros descolgados Source: RTVE.es Did you miss your chance to run in or watch the bull run this year? Its never too early to plan your trip to the San Fermin Festival. Don't forget to get your Pamplona balcony reservation or bullfight tickets for the 2020 Running of the Bulls Get a quote for your trip to the San Fermin Festival!

2019 Pamplona Bullfight Tickets Almost Gone

Pamplona bullfight tickets for 2019 are almost sold out. On July 5, the pandemonium known as the San Fermin Festival begins. Now is time to secure your seat in Pamplona’s Plaza del Toros, where skilled matadors will artfully take on Spain’s prized fighting bulls. 2019 Pamplona bullfight tickets – advance purchase available If you are visiting Pamplona for the Running of the Bulls, don’t miss out on this iconic event! The grandiose bullfighting arena is the second largest in Spain, and seats close to 20,000 cheering spectators. While the Pamplona bullfights are becoming increasingly popular among foreign travelers visiting for the San Fermin Fiesta, tickets are extremely limited and difficult to source. Scalpers, or touts, are ubiquitous during the 8-day…

To anyone who is thinking about seeing their first bullfight

To anyone who is thinking about seeing their first bullfight this year in Pamplona at the Running of the Bulls, this article will prepare you for the conundrum of emotions the spectacle will probably put you through. The quote below was taken from an article recently published by Sergio del Molino, an author who defines himself as both of the political Left and as anti-bullfighting, who accepted an invitation by the Fundación del Toro de Lidia, ‘the Foundation of the Fighting Bull’ to see a bullfight for the first time. I felt very strange saying it. I resisted saying it. I thought that the disgust, the animal smell, the brutality of the rite and the closeness to blood and death…

Running of the Bulls with Families

One of the best qualities of San Fermín Festival is that everyone can enjoy it. Bringing your children to Pamplona is a fantastic idea if you want them to experience a memorable, unique vacation. For all nine days of Fiesta, the city is filled with fun, tradition and activities for all ages. The Running of the Bulls is a safe festival, with plenty of families out on the streets during mornings and afternoons. The most important part is to learn the rhythm of the day, and the locations appropriate for children. The most popular activities for families are: El Encierro (The Bull Run): Takes place at 8:00am every day from July 7th to July 14th. The best place to watch it…

Running of the Bulls® 2019 Dates

The Running of the Bulls 2019 dates are July 7 – 14, 2019 in Pamplona, Spain. The San Fermin Festival runs from July 6, 2019 at Noon, until July 14, 2019 at Midnight. If you are interested in joining the San Fermin 2019 festivities be sure to get in contact with our Pamplona Experts who will guide you to the right Pamplona travel packages, Pamplona tours, and Pamplona bullfight tickets to ensure you have the perfect trip. Save up to 45% on your Pamplona Hotel at the Running of the Bulls Here is a list of what day these dates fall on in 2019 and the general focus of each day: Friday, July 5, 2019: Arrival day for those who want…

Does Pamplona look different #throughGlass?

Running of the Bulls 2013 had a new addition… out of the 1 million people who descended on Pamplona, two of them were wearing Google Glass, the bleeding edge wearable technology from Google. Even though you couldn’t buy the device in stores, that didn’t stop members of Google’s test group, the Google Glass Explorers from signing up for two free trips to Pamplona. Two Americans, Liza Gere, from Napa, California and Noble Ackerson, from Alexandria, Virginia were selected as the winning candidates in the #ROTBthroughGlass contest, hosted by RunningoftheBulls.travel. Noble, coming for the first half of the festival and Liza for the second half. Each brought their own unique perspective to the Running of the Bulls, reflecting their personalities and…

Corporate Hospitality at the Running of the Bulls

The Running of the Bulls® is the perfect place to entertain clients, partners and prospects. In fact, many people return to Pamplona year after year to reward their high-performing employees and give them the experience of a lifetime.  Since the festival is already on many people’s bucket list, you’ll get credit for making a lifetime dream come true.  Our Pamplona Plus™ tour operators can accommodate any level of comfort, and a wide range of interests, including: Airport or Train Station Pickup VIP Limousine Services 4 and 5 Star Hotels Fully-catered Private Events Superior Expo & Meeting Space Group Restaurant Reservations Regional group tours to wineries, trout fishing, bull ranches and more And most importantly, they can ensure your group gets…

Playing with Fire

No one has to fear the Toro de Fuego, but many kids, and some adults, do. The first Fire Bull was mentioned in the Bull Chronicles of the 17th century – when a real bull carried fireworks on its back. Given the obvious risks involved in that scenario, today, we get a much tamer scenario: the Hombre de Fuego (fire dude) dons a pretty cool bull costume with a fair amount of gunpowder strapped to his back. Interestingly enough, the purpose of this tamer version is to give children a chance to have a bull run of their own. Same as in the morning bull run, a rocket announces that the bull is on the street, but in this case,…

Honoring the Traditions of Fiesta

Who are these Pamploneses and what are they celebrating? Navarra is a proud region, with a rich history dating back to the founding of Pamplona in 74 A.D. While we are a semi-autonomous region of Spain, the Kingdom of Navarra still enjoys its own laws, its own police force, and its own strong ideals. Having survived centuries of political and religious upheaval, one can imagine that the institutions and traditions of Navarra are well established. The Running of the Bulls and the San Fermin Festival represent some of the most celebrated and respected traditions in Navarra. The story begins in the 3rd century, when Firmo, an important Roman Senator in Pamplona, was converted to Christianity. His son, Fermín, was baptized…
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