Runner’s Recap with Dennis Clancy July 8

Runner’s Recap with Dennis Clancy July 8

Dennis Clancey, a veteran bull runner and director of the acclaimed documentary, Chasing Red, recaps the July 8th bull run in Pamplona. This was the second run of the 2014 season, which turned out to be a fairly clean undertaking, with no serious injuries or gorings. This beloved San Fermin tradition lures over a million spectators every July, who descend upon Pamplona for 8 action-packed days. Los toros bravos are the main attraction. These are Spanish fighting bulls that hail from some of the most esteemed ranches, where pure bloodlines mean everything.    Runner’s Recap: Pamplona Bull Run July 8th The July 8th Pamplona bull run was relatively fast and lasted a grand total of 2 minutes and 20 seconds.…

Runner’s Recap with Dennis Clancey July 7th

Expert bull runner Dennis Clancey recaps the events of the Pamplona Bull Run July 7th, which turned out to be a fast, clean run save for one goring. For years, Clancey has been an avid fan of the San Fermin Festival’s most iconic tradition: the daily running of the bulls, locally known as los encierros. Pamplona Bull Run July 7th Recap with Dennis Clancey Clancey provides some insight into the history of the Pamplona bull runs, which started hundreds of years ago, and are now ingrained into the culture. The adrenaline-fueled sprint through the streets, according to Clancey, was not initiated as an exercise in bravado but was done for practical purposes. Letting the bulls run was the fastest and…

Floor-Level Balconies Offer Unparalleled Bull Run Views

The excitement and fear are palpable. You can literally feel the wave of energy as runners and bulls thunder past, a tangle of red-and-white clad bodies and furiously sweating bovine. The ground is quaking beneath the massive weight. And you are close enough to see the wide eyes, the furtive backward glances, and the quick escapes. You have a floor-level balcony spot for the Running of the Bulls – Pamplona’s most famous and celebrated tradition. As the Spanish fighting bulls charge down the street, the runners clamber to stay in front of the riotous herd, diving under fences and make-shift barricades at the very last second. Many gorings and serious injuries take place at San Fermin’s main event, and you are…

July 9, 2019 Running of the Bulls Video Stream

Check out the video below for streaming video of the Pamplona bull run from July 9, 2019 during the 2019 San Fermin Festival Please be patient after you click Play - video buffering can take 30 seconds or more. Source: Did you miss your chance to run in or watch the bull run this year? Its never too early to plan your trip to the San Fermin Festival. Don't forget to get your Pamplona balcony reservation or bullfight tickets for the 2020 Running of the Bulls Get a quote for your trip to the San Fermin Festival 2020 Want to see more Bull Runs? Check out every day's runs from the 2020 Pamplona Bull Run. Sunday, July 7, 2019…

July 8, 2019 Running of the Bulls Bull Run Video Stream

Look below for the most recent bull run stream from July 8 2019 during the 2019 San Fermin Festival below - Please be patient after you click Play - video buffering can take 30 seconds or more. Segundo encierro: limpio y veloz de los Cebada Gago Source: Did you miss your chance to run in or watch the bull run this year? Its never too early to plan your trip to the San Fermin Festival. Don't forget to get your Pamplona balcony reservation or bullfight tickets for the 2020 Running of the Bulls Get a quote for your trip to the San Fermin Festival! Want to see more Bull Runs? Check out every day's runs from the 2019 Pamplona…

July 14, 2019 Running of the Bulls Video Stream

Watch streaming video of the Pamplona bull run stream from July 14th 2019 during the 2019 San Fermin Festival Please be patient - buffering can take up to 30 seconds after you click Play Emocionante octavo y último encierro de Sanfermines 2019, con toros de Miura Source: Did you miss your chance to run in or watch the bull run this year? Its never too early to plan your trip to the San Fermin Festival. Don't forget to get your Pamplona balcony reservation or bullfight tickets for the 2020 Running of the Bulls Get a quote for your trip to the San Fermin Festival 2020 Want to see more Bull Runs? Check out every day’s runs from the 2019 Pamplona…

July 13, 2019 Running of the Bulls Video Stream

Watch streaming video of the July 13, 2019 Pamplona bull run, during the 2019 San Fermin Festival Please be patient after you click Play - video buffering can take 30 seconds or more. Frenético y emocionante séptimo encierro de Sanfermines, con toros de La Palmosilla Source: Did you miss your chance to run in or watch the bull run this year? Its never too early to plan your trip to the San Fermin Festival. Don't forget to get your Pamplona balcony reservation or bullfight tickets for the 2020 Running of the Bulls Get a quote for your trip to the San Fermin Festival 2020 Want to see more Bull Runs? Check out every day’s runs from the 2019 Pamplona Bull…

July 12, 2019 Running of the Bulls Video Stream

Watch the Pamplona bull run video stream from July 12, 2019 from the 2019 San Fermin Festival Please be patient after you click Play - video buffering can take 30 seconds or more. Sexto encierro de los Sanfermines 2019: Emoción con los toros de Núñez del Cuvillo Source: Did you miss your chance to run in or watch the bull run this year? Its never too early to plan your trip to the San Fermin Festival. Don't forget to get your Pamplona balcony reservation or bullfight tickets for the 2020 Running of the Bulls Get a quote for your trip to the San Fermin Festival 2020 Want to see more Bull Runs? Check out every day's runs from the…

July 11, 2019 Running of the Bulls Video Stream

Watch the Pamplona bull run video stream from July 11, 2019 during the 2019 San Fermin Festival Please be patient after you click Play - video buffering can take 30 seconds or more. Source: Did you miss your chance to run in or watch the bull run this year? Its never too early to plan your trip to the San Fermin Festival. Don't forget to get your Pamplona balcony reservation or bullfight tickets for the 2020 Running of the Bulls Get a quote for your trip to the San Fermin Festival 2020 Want to see more Bull Runs? Check out every day's runs from the 2019 Pamplona Bull Run. Sunday, July 7, 2019 Running of the Bulls Video Stream…

July 10, 2019 Running of the Bulls Video Stream

Watch the Pamplona bull run video stream from July 10 2019 during the 2019 San Fermin Festival Please be patient after you click Play - video buffering can take 30 seconds or more. Source: Did you miss your chance to run in or watch the bull run this year? Its never too early to plan your trip to the San Fermin Festival. Don't forget to get your Pamplona balcony reservation or bullfight tickets for the 2020 Running of the Bulls Get a quote for your trip to the San Fermin Festival 2020 Want to see more Bull Runs? Check out every day's runs from the 2019 Pamplona Bull Run. Sunday, July 7, 2019 Running of the Bulls Video Stream…
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