2013 Pamplona Tourism Trends
Pamplona records highest growth in foreign tourism among all Spanish cities from 2012 to 2013.
According to the Observatorio Turístico of Pamplona, Hotel establishments in Pamplona recorded a 9.7% increase in tourism in 2013 compared to the summer of 2012. Domestic demand grew by 6.5% and foreign demand by 15.2%. This overall increase resulted in a jump in overnight stays, especially in the case of foreign tourists (11.3%).
The average stay however, has experienced a slight decrease (-0.4%). The increase of foreign tourists in 2013 was felt in many Spanish destinations, thereby offsetting the reduced travel of Spaniards, given the decline in family income. However the increase in international travelers in Pamplona is remarkable compared to other nearby cities, and represents an interesting opportunity for the sector.
The group of hotel establishments of Navarra, has increased their business with international customers by 18.3%, registering the highest increase in Spain, well above the national average (2.7%).
Due to the seasonality in international demand, the city observed a significant increase starting in May, compared to 2012. July was one of the highest months because of the San Fermin festival.
In July 2013, according to data from the hotels in Pamplona and the surrounding Region, 50,970 people booked, of which 28,009 were Spanish and 22,971 foreigners. July brings the highest number of foreign visitors to Pamplona, this is due to the very large influx of the festival of San Fermin and The Running of the Bulls.
Source: Observatorio Turístico of Pamplona