2017 Pamplona Bullfight Matador Lineup

On June 5th the Casa de Misericordia – the association that runs Pamplona’s Plaza de Toros (bullring)- announced this year’s lineup for the 2017 Feria de Toro (bullfights). In a meeting held at their offices, the president of the association announced which matadors will be performing in Pamplona this year and which breed of bulls they will be paired with.
Between July 5th through 14th an estimated 360,000 spectators will pass through the bullring to watch the evening’s bullfight. Every night they can see three matadors who each face two of the six bulls that were purchased by the ring from one of Spain’s breeders. The bulls must come from one of the 1,350 official breed book of toro bravo, ‘brave bull’, ranches with confirmed bloodlines.
Special about July 10th’s ticket is that all three matadors place their own banderillas instead of letting their team do this for them. The Pamplona audience has a preference for this type of matador and so the president of the Plaza de Toros was proud to announce the return of “El Fandi”, Juan José Padilla and Manuel Escribano to the ring on July 10th 2017.
You can find the complete lineup for 2017 below.
If this will be your first bullfight, you may be interested in reading more about it in our blog or attending one of our daily talks ‘An Introduction to Toreo, The Art of Bullfighting’.
Wednesday July 5th 2017 Novillos (3 year old bulls) from “El Parralejo”, de Zufre (Huelva) for matadors Javier Marín, Jesús Enrique Colombo y Toñete
Thursday July 6th 2017, Bulls from El Capea, de San Pelayo de Guareña (Salamanca) for matadors Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza, Leonardo Hernández y Roberto Armendáriz.
Friday July 7th 2017: Bulls from Cebada Gago, de Medina Sidonia (Cádiz) for matadors: Juan Bautista, Javier Jiménez y Román.
Saturday July 8th 2017: Bulls from José Escolar, de Lanzahíta (Ávila) for matadors Eugenio de Mora, Pepe Moral y Gonzalo Caballero.
Sunday July 9th 2017: Bulls from Puerto de San Lorenzo, de Tamames (Salamanca) for matadors Curro Díaz, Paco Ureña y José Garrido.
Monday July 10th 2017: Toros de Fuente Ymbro, de San José del Valle (Cádiz) para Juan José Padilla, El Fandi y Manuel Escribano.
Tuesday July 11th 2017: Bulls from Jandilla, de Mérida (Badajoz) for matadors Miguel Ángel Perera, Cayetano y Andrés Roca Rey.
Wednesday July 12th 2017: Bulls from Victoriano del Río, de Guada
lix (Madrid) for matadors Sebastián Castella, Alberto López Simón y Ginés Marín.
Thursday July 13th 2017: Bulls from Núñez del Cuvillo, de Vejer de la Frontera (Cádiz) for matadors Antonio Ferrera, Alejandro Talavante y Andrés Roca Rey.
Friday July 14th 2017: Bulls from Miura, de Lora del Río (Sevilla) for matadors Rafaelillo, Javier Castaño y Rubén Pinar.