Donosti Cup Soccer Tournament Schedule Perfectly Fits Running of the Bulls® Dates
Every year, Pamplona is graced with the presence of young soccer athletes from around the world. They come to San Sebastian, just 45 minutes away, to play in the Donosti Cup – a highly-respected international youth soccer tournament. As the fourth largest youth soccer tournament in Europe, the 2018 Donosti Cup hosted 623 teams representing 33 countries.
Since they’re in the area already, many teams and families choose to make the short drive over to Pamplona to take in the Running of the Bulls. Guests can arrive in Pamplona on July 5th, take in the San Fermin Opening Ceremonies on July 6th, watch the first bull run from a balcony the morning of July 7th, and make it to San Sebastian by mid-morning for checkin and registration for the tournament.
If you’re going to the Donosti Cup and the Running of the Bulls, call us at +1-305-407-2240 to discuss how you can enjoy two major events in the same week!